“Make your wishes known, especially now during COVID-19 . . . “
Let’s show love for our families, respect for our hospital workers and compassion for ourselves and make our end of life wishes known in advance . . .
While we are social distancing in our homes, it’s time to have that conversation that most of us have avoided or didn’t even know we needed to have. Make an end-of-life plan, write it down, and have it available to discuss with your doctor. Even better, reach out to a lawyer and learn how to make your wishes legally sound so if there is any kind of dispute between family members, there will be a clear path forward.
The legal document that can help to diminish the uncertainty and anguish around these decisions is called the Advanced Healthcare Directive or just Advanced Directive, and it is a standard document prepared by your attorney in the estate planning process.
Give me a call and let’s do a Zoom meeting to prepare you for a meeting with your estate planning attorney, and if you need to choose an attorney, we can help you locate one that will meet your needs as well. Let’s take advantage of the COVID-19 crisis to stop postponing our trust and estate planning and spare our families a ton of heartache and expense later on.
One doctor recently reported, “In my COVID-19 unit, patients have ranged from age 18 to 103. It’s doubtful the 18-year-old had thought much about her mortality prior to this.” Let’s at least do the Advanced Healthcare Directive and do it for our families, as well as ourselves.
Be Well, Tom Somers
CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ at Stonehouse Insurance Services | 951.972.8100
Bob Parsons said “The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed.”
Another author said“Grief never ends…But it changes. It’s a passage, not a place to stay. Grief is not a sign of weakness, nor a lack of faith…. It is the price of love.”
Rebecca Van Gorden said “If your path is more difficult, it is because your calling is higher.”
When I reflected on these words during this week, I couldn’t help but think of the countless clients and business owners here in our community, and throughout the country who are going through so much during this time. So many of you are at the brink of quitting, but may these words be an encouragement to you to stay the course…you may be on the brink of passing through your storm…
From the Pilgrims enduring to Plymouth Rock back in 1620, through multiple years of gruesome trials, many losing family and children, to WWI &II, and most recently 911, we as Americans, will rise up from these ashes. I want to encourage all our readers to press on and don’t give up.
That being said, I want to share some good reports. We have received good news that some clients have started to receive their Disaster Loan funding and PPP funding. Some of these were clients that Stonehouse Consulting had been assisting in the filing process. It brought us great joy, that business owners are starting to get the help that they desperately need.
Many of you have still not received funding. Noted below, today President Donald Trump has signed the next round of funding, $484 Billion. This will go fast. If you haven’t filed yet, please do so. If you are struggling navigating how to file for any of these loans, and are not getting the help you need please visit our Stonehouse Consulting team page to get assistance.Please [CLICK HERE]& see below on the Stonehouse Consulting piece for more information.
We want to encourage you to visit our website for updates on COVID-19 resources.
Best, Joshua T. Emerson
Agency Manager at Stonehouse Insurance Services | 951.760.9429
ARE YOU UNSURE WHERE TO GO FROM HERE WITH YOUR BUSINESS? DO YOU NEED EXECUTIVE BUSINESS CONSULTING GUIDANCE? We have 40+ years of international consulting experience on staff. Our staff is ready and able to setup a ZOOM consulting session with you today. Please visit our website below to make an appointment.
MANY ARE GIVING UP TOO EARLY FOR FUNDING THEY COULD HAVE RECEIVED…If this is you, I want to encourage you to not give up. If you were told by your bank that the money has ran out, don’t give up. Instead stay on top of daily checking your business bank account online, and checking your emails daily for updates from your bank. It has been reported to us that many banks have now started reaching out by email, to process business owners’ applications. If you stop trying, you could miss out on the help you are looking for.
Is your current agent reviewing your sales, and payroll during this COVID-19 pandemic, to help cut your costs? Ask us to help you review your sales, payroll, and property that may directly impact your current rates.
Is your current agent helping you file a claim, or walk you through the process. If not please call us today, and we can help you file a claim on your current insurance policy.
“The Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz) has compiled helpful information for employers, employees, and all Californians as it relates to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.” For a complete list of resources, [CLICK HERE]